Here are 10 vocabulary words from The Hindu daily on 1st September, 2024, along with their meanings, opposite words, alternate words, and usage:
- Acrimonious
- Meaning: Angry and bitter.
- Opposite: Harmonious
- Alternate Words: Bitter, Hostile
- Usage: The debate became acrimonious as the candidates attacked each other’s policies.
- Benevolent
- Meaning: Well-meaning and kindly.
- Opposite: Malevolent
- Alternate Words: Kind, Generous
- Usage: The benevolent organization provided aid to the disaster victims.
- Candid
- Meaning: Truthful and straightforward.
- Opposite: Deceptive
- Alternate Words: Frank, Honest
- Usage: She gave a candid interview about her experiences.
- Deft
- Meaning: Neatly skillful and quick in one’s movements.
- Opposite: Clumsy
- Alternate Words: Skillful, Agile
- Usage: The artist’s deft brushstrokes brought the painting to life.
- Elicit
- Meaning: Evoke or draw out a response.
- Opposite: Suppress
- Alternate Words: Extract, Obtain
- Usage: The teacher’s question was designed to elicit thoughtful responses from the students.
- Fervent
- Meaning: Having or displaying a passionate intensity.
- Opposite: Apathetic
- Alternate Words: Passionate, Ardent
- Usage: The fervent supporters cheered loudly for their team.
- Gregarious
- Meaning: Fond of company; sociable.
- Opposite: Introverted
- Alternate Words: Sociable, Outgoing
- Usage: His gregarious nature made him popular at social gatherings.
- Hapless
- Meaning: Unfortunate.
- Opposite: Fortunate
- Alternate Words: Unlucky, Ill-fated
- Usage: The hapless traveler lost his passport.
- Impetuous
- Meaning: Acting or done quickly and without thought or care.
- Opposite: Cautious
- Alternate Words: Rash, Hasty
- Usage: His impetuous decision to quit his job surprised everyone.
- Juxtapose
- Meaning: Place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.
- Opposite: Separate
- Alternate Words: Compare, Contrast
- Usage: The exhibition juxtaposes modern art with classical art.
I hope these words help you with your educational content! If you need more words or any other assistance, feel free to ask.
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